Rabbit Fur Windshield for GoPro-NPT-1

Rabbit Fur Windshield for GoPro-NPT-1

Mã hàng: Rabbit Fur Wind | rating 0 đánh giá

Fit for Gopro Hero3 3+ back opening frame With a 3m sticker Rabbit square hood can effectively decrease the noise under action sports and harsh environment sports It can decrease the noisy. Remove the stickers and put thhe rabbit fur windshield on the GoPro camera directly. If you do not want to use it, just remove it and it will do no harm to the camera.
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Xuất xứ: Rabbit Fur Windshield for GoPro-NPT-1
Tình trạng: Còn hàng
Giá khuyến mại: 200.000 đ

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Rabbit Fur Windshield for GoPro-NPT-1


Fit for Gopro Hero3 3+ back opening frame

With a 3m sticker

Rabbit square hood can effectively decrease the noise under action sports and harsh environment sports

It can decrease the noisy.

Remove the stickers and put thhe rabbit fur windshield on the GoPro camera directly.

If you do not want to use it, just remove it and it will do no harm to the camera.

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