GC-GRAY (SOFT) soft gray gradient:
The gray gradient lens, is one of the very important art photographic filters, which can be divided into hard and soft gradually becoming mirror of mirror of, GC-GRAY (SOFT) are flexible flexible gradient gray gradient that transitions large range transition range boundaries obvious.
GC-GRAY (SOFT) soft gray gradient:
Pressure can be used appropriately dark sky, of course, the premise is sunny sky insolation strong contrast with the larger ground, as well as the camera's metering system can not meet the requirements of your shot, the gray gradient lens can reduce the amount of light entering the lens portion avoid dazzle the sky appears white or gray ground situation.

Athabasca (Ai photo card) GC-GRAY (SOFT) soft gray gradient:
Caliber can offer:
67mm 72mm 77mm 82mm
Athabasca (Ai photo card) GC-GRAY (SOFT) soft gray gradient:
Thickness: 5.74mm
Ingredients: Japanese AGC Glass
Coating Coating: Coating dimming
Fixation: fixed circle seamless access
Main features: pressure dark sky
Environmental certification: