Flash Yongnuo YN-565EX for Canon ( đã bán )

Flash Yongnuo YN-565EX for Canon ( đã bán )

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YongNuo 565EX E-TTL for Canon


Youngnuo Flash YN-565EX ra đời với thiết kế mới, về cơ bản giống như flash YN-560 với các tính năng của flash YN-468, cộng thêm một số tính năng đặc biệt mới của YN-565 để biến nó hành một flash trợ thủ đắc lực cho các máy ảnh kỹ thuật số, nổi trội nhất là hotshoe kim loại và chế độ flash E-TTL không dây


Tính năng nổi bật:

1. Hổ trợ tính năng flash slave wireless: E-TTL của Canon và i-TTL của Nikon 

a) YN-565 có thể nhận được tín hiệu không dây từ master flash Canon cũng như master flash Nikon cùng một lúc.

b) YN-565 có thể chỉ nhận tín hiệu không dây từ master flash Canon, không nhận của Nikon.

c) YN-565 có thể chỉ nhận tín hiệu không dây từ master flash Nikon, không nhận của Canon.


Ở slave flash wireless TTL (off camera), YN-565 tương thích với:

- Master flash: Canon 580EX II, Nikon SB-900, SB-800, SB-700

- Flash buld-in: Canon 7D, 60D, 600D built-in commander mode, Nikon Camera with C-commander and.

- Canon ST-E2 và Nikon SU-4


Lưu ý: Hầu hết các setup trên master sẽ được tự động chuyển đến thiết lập trên slave YN-565EX.


2. TTL Flash GN mạnh: GN58 @ ISO 100, 105mm, hỗ trợ TTL (E or i), M, Multi mode.

3. Có thể kích hoạt nhại quang flash bằng nhiều cách: như optical, nối dây.

4. Auto và manual zoom – tương ứng với tiêu cự lens từ 24mm – 105mm, hiểu rõ máy CF.

5. Hổ trợ đầy đủ các tính năng của hệ thống TTL như:

FEC, FEB, Rear-curtain sync, FE lock, Modeling Light, điều khiểu flash thông qua menu trên Canon camera.

6. Tốc độ hồi flash cực nhanh: 3s và có thể nhanh hơn nếu sử dụng bộ nguồn cấp điện rời.

7. Các tính năng nâng cao khác: 

a. Ngõ cắm External Flash Pack (Yongnuo SF-18 C or SF-17 C ).

b. Ngõ cắm PC Port ( You can buy 3.5mm PC Sync Cable to fit for it )

c. Có cài đặt vài tín hiệu âm thanh khác nhau để thông báo theo các tính năng của flash.

8. Bảo vệ quá tải (nóng) và chế độ tiết kiệm năng lượng

9. Màn hình hiển thị LCD.

10. Hotshoe bằng kim loại và hệ thống wireless (slave)

Yongnuo TTL flash YN468 YN467 YN465 YN565

In the picture above you can see the new digital flash among its ancestors; all four models are available in Canon version, but for Nikon the choice is still limited to either YN-465 or YN-467as of August 2011.

Send me your YN-565 Questions now!

What are you most interested in when it comes to this flash? Post your questions in the comments or send me an email at fransener @ speedlights.net – I’ll answer them as fast as I can!


Flash Modes Intro: Digital TTL, Manual Mode “M”, “Multi” Mode, Wireless Slave

Yongnuo’s YN-565 is the new top flash in their lineup and positioned against the Canon speedlite 430EX II (picture left) – to be competing with the professional 580EX II, the master mode and high speed sync / FP sync are missing.

Yongnuo 565 vs Canon 430EX II

In the table you can see what flash modes are available on the previous Yongnuo top flash YN-468 (picture right) and the Canon mid-range flash 430EX II.

Yongnuo YN-468 Yongnuo YN-565 EX Canon 430EX II
  • E-TTL II
  • M (manual mode)
  • Multi mode
  • (no E-TTL slave mode)


  • E-TTL II
  • M (manual mode)
  • Multi mode
  • E-TTL wireless slave mode


  • film-based TTL
  • E-TTL with newer analog and old digital cameras
  • E-TTL II
  • M (manual mode)
  • (no multi mode on camera)
  • E-TTL wireless slave mode


E-TTL II Mode for Canon EOS DSLR

Yongnuo first became known for their manual-mode flashes, especially the YN-460 model. Then, in summer 2010 they released the YN-560 – a manual mode flash that looks like a clone of the 580EX II from Canon – except for the missing LCD display, and the reduced feature set lacking the automatic E-TTL (II) mode.

Yongnuo YN565EX in ETTL mode for CanonThe new YN-565 EX integrates into the Canon E-TTL flash system. Just attach it to the camera hot shoe, power it on with default setting “ETTL”, and start your shooting – your digital EOS body takes care of the rest. The YN565EX Yongnuo is compatible with most entry and mid-range Canon camera bodies (including 600D, 1100D, 60D, 7D, 5D mk II) but make sure you check the Yongnuo-Canon compatibility page to see if your body is really supported – some Canon bodies are not compatible officially, e.g. the “1″ series pro bodies, or the original Canon 5D. And please don’t forget to leave a comment there with your own compatibility info when you have one of these flashes.


 In E-TTL (II) mode the Yongnuo behaves pretty much like a Canon 430 II for the most part. Either use it in full auto mode, or dial in a flash exposure adjustment, or set one of the custom features to fine tune (e.g. AF assist firing, or power saving mode).

The flash can also be controlled through the camera menu system, but this was already possible with the YN-468 before. Change the camera mode dial to “P”, “M”, “Av” or “Tv” if the “Flash control” settings don’t show up on the camera screen (the “green auto mode” does not permit access to flash settings e.g.).

Manual Flash Mode “M”

Yongnuo YN565EX in manual modeA manual flash mode might seem like a relic from the past, but it’s indispensable for more serious shooting with any speedlite. It’s the only mode where you have 100% control over your light. Luckily, all Yongnuo flashes have a manual mode – the same can’t be said about all flashes from Canon, by the way.

In the case of the new YN-565 the manual mode is as good as it gets: all full stops from full power down to 1/128 – that’s 8 settings overall. In between third stops are provided, even between 1/1 and half power. This is the sequence:

1/1 — 1/2 +.7 — 1/2 +.3 — 1/2 — 1/4 +.7 … — 1/128 +.3 — 1/128

Switching to manual mode is equally easy – just push on the “Mode” button on the back of the flash. To dial in a power step use the left/right buttons – no other keys (such as “OK” or “Set”) are required. For the third steps use the up / down keys. As can be seen from the photo there’s no labeling on the “command pad” buttons, but you learn their functionality pretty fast.

Multi Mode (stroboscopic flash)

Yongnuo YN565EX in multi modeI’m starting this with my usual disclaimer: I don’t think multi mode is an important feature in a flash; in fact I think it’s useless pretty much. But if you want to play you find the stroboscopic flash feature on the Yongnuo YN-565.

Multi mode can be set direct on the flash or through the camera body (I’m testing with my Rebel T1i / 500D). In multi mode the following settings are available:

  • flash output:
    1/128 – 1/64 – 1/32 – 1/16 – 1/8 – 1/4
  • frequency:
    1 Hz – 100 Hz max
  • flash count:
    zero – 100 times (depending on power level)

Again, theses settings can be performed on the flash or in the camera menu. Compared to the YN-468 the frequency band has been increased, Yongnuo allows now up to 100 Hz while the YN-468 is limited to 50 Hz max. The other multi mode settings seem to have remained unchanged over the previous model.

YN-565 EX As Wireless Flash (Intro)

Yongnuo YN565EX as wireless slaveThis new flash is the first ever Yongnuo speedlite supporting the Canon wireless slave mode – a big step up from previous Yongnuo flashes that supported ETTL auto exposure already, but only when mounted on the camera body. What you can do now with the YN-565 is keep shooting automatically, even if the flash is on a light stand or hand held for a more natural look of your light.

Owners of a 7D, 600D (Rebel T3i), and 60D can use the built in flash on the camera body to control the YN-565 in remote slave mode – no other accessories are needed. On top of that a Canon 580EX II can be used, or an ST-E2 commander.

The Canon version of the YN-565 can even be controlled in wireless TTL mode by a Nikonflash or camera body (!): Yongnuo lists SB-700, SB-800 and SB-900 as compatible, as well as Nikon camera bodies with built-in master mode (e.g. D70 / D80, D90 / D7000).

Here are the results of a quick hands-on test with my own equipment (see on theSpeedlights.net Facebook page) – so far I only checked the basics = TTL mode with 1/200 sec in “Tv” / “S” mode, master flashes were set to “- – -”.

Master flash Official Yongnuo compatibility info Speedlights.net test result External test results
Canon 600D yes not tested yet na
Canon 60D yes not tested yet tested OK (see comments section)
Canon 7D yes not tested yet tested compatible (1)
Canon 580EX II yes not tested yet tested compatible (1)
Canon ST-E2 yes doesn’t work with Canon ST-E2 on Rebel T1i tested compatible (1)
Yongnuo ST-E2 yes works with Yongnuo ST-E2 on Rebel T1i tested compatible (1)
Nikon D80 yes works with D80 as master flash na
Nikon D90 yes could not get it to fire with D90 popup flash tested compatible (1)
Nikon D700 & D7000 yes not tested yet tested compatible (1)
other Nikon bodies yes not tested yet na
Nikon SB-700 yes tested on Nikon D90 – works na
Nikon SB-800 yes tested on Nikon D90 – works na
Nikon SB-900 yes tested on Nikon D90 – works na
Sigma EF-530 DG Super (Canon version) na not tested firing but not in sync (see comments)

(1) tests conducted by Leo from Image Melbourne – see this discussion thread

The test result was pretty surprising, I must say. To make sure there’s nothing wrong with myCanon ST-E2, I switched over to a Canon 430EX II as slave with identical settings (group A, channel 1) – and it worked, so the problem must be the combination of my Canon ST-E2 and / or my Yongnuo YN-565. It seems like others were able to get the combination to work, though.

A similar cross check was done with my Nikon D90: while I was not able to get the YN-565 to fire as wireless slave the D90 could control my SB-700 – so there’s nothing wrong with the D90 that was used for the test. But again, Image Melbourne was so kind to re-test with another D90 / YN-565 of theirs and they found no difficulty.


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